Sunday, February 28, 2010


I never learned about AAAWWUBBIS while I was in school, which is too bad. I really wish I had, because now I’m having trouble understanding them in this class. I think I have the basics down, but I am having trouble identifying AAAWWUBBIS clauses when I’m reading something. With this blog, I am honestly just writing it and hoping that there is an AAAWWUBBIS clause or two in here, so that I can try to find it. Before this week I had never even heard of AAAWWUBBIS. Before just a couple weeks ago, I had never even heard of FANBOYS. After learning a bit about FANBOYS and AAAWWUBIS, I’m wondering what my teachers actually taught me while I was in school. Although I don’t have a full understanding of AAAWWUBIS and FANBOYS yet, I can’t wait to learn more about them so that one day I can teach them to my classes.

Question: I’m still having trouble with subordinating clauses. Would someone be able to explain them to me a little bit? Did I do the AAAWWUBBIS clauses right?

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